Anti-Aging/DNA - Aging is a continuous process that starts from the time of conception. It can't be avoided, but how we age depends upon our genes, environment and life style. As we age, the human body wears out and becomes damaged, including the body's DNA, the blueprint of life.
Aging is close related to cell division or mitosis. Our body creates new cells all the time, but the cell division process is faster in youths and is getting slower in old people - the old cells are not replaced by new cells at the same pace.
We cannot rejuvenate the body unless we rejuvenate the DNA: "Knowing what we now know about the causes of aging, if repairing your DNA is not at the forefront of your effort, then our success will be minimal to meaningless. DNA is our life source. Just improving a small percentage of our total DNA can make a major difference in the quality of our health, well being and longevity." Dr. Vincent C. Giampapa
In order for the body to rejuvenate, the cells must divide; when the cells divide they are suppose to make perfect copies, however, as age progresses and the DNA becomes damaged, the new cells that are made are not perfect copies of the cells that were produced when we were younger.
The more damaged DNA we have, the less our body is able to properly rejuvenate and heal itself by replacing the old worn out and damaged cells with healthy, perfect cells. So, the question is how to treat, repair the DNA? A better question would be what remedies can do that?
The first remedy from the DNA formula was discovered when one of the patients, after being treated for multiple chronic diseases, started to look younger - everybody around her noticed that. So, we traced back and found out what was the remedy 'responsible' for anti-aging.
The DNA homeopathic formula is based on unique, exceptional remedies that are not in homeopathic repertories yet:
1. The first one: stimulates the exchange between DNA and RNA2. The second: repairs the damaged DNA (a specific for genetically related diseases) that means when DNA gets 'sick' this remedy heals/repairs the DNA3. The third one: rejuvenates the DNA and RNA - the core of anti-aging process.
Another important aspect is that anti-aging treatment is about healing. It is healing at the deepest physical level, DNA level. Healing and anti-aging is about regeneration and regeneration is done via DNA. Anti-aging treatment is a must not only for aging per se, but as a follow up for any serious treatment. Only then, when tissue regeneration is involved, any treatment is complete.
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