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Beauty Tools

Sali Hughes writes: One of my other jobs involves reviewing the contents of the day’s newspapers on telly. I always look forward to seeing the makeup girls at the studio because, apart from invariably being the best company in the building, they always have plenty of goodies for me to try. This was how I first came across O rollers – heated rollers that take two seconds to heat, are a cinch to use and work miracles on my hair, adding tonnes of body and smooth glossiness for 48 hours.
I initially balked at the price (£150 for a full set), but when it comes to beauty tools, I take the view that, as with saucepans and kitchen knives, one must invest to get the best. Everything becomes a hundred times easier with the right tools. Techniques you thought fiddly, time-consuming and ultimately disappointing are suddenly quite the opposite. The £60 hairdryer that looks like nothing but dries your hair perfectly in half the time; the spendy tweezers that look so mundane, but outperform all others by a country mile. (No, tweezing should not hurt and cause ingrowns. Bin your tweezers.)
Of course, there are many examples of expensive crap, but I’ve weeded them out for you. My selection below is all killer, no filler.
Rubis tweezers, £18.95,
You don’t know how different tweezing can be until you own these. I’ve had the same pair for 10 years.
Cloud Nine O Rollers, £152.95,
If you have fine, flat hair and think all is lost, it’s not. Miraculous results and extremely easy to use.
Vogetti Pro Wonder Brush, £5.50,
Looks like a scrubbing brush, but is the best backcombing tool ever. I’m hopelessly hooked.
Shiseido eyelash curlers, £18,
Japanese eyelash curlers are the best (see also Shu Uemura). These give lasting curl with no pinching and bending.
Parlux Compact Hairdryer, £64.95,
It’s only when you try a Parlux that you realise how rubbish most dryers are. Mine’s been going strong for eight years.
Clarisonic Skin Cleansing System, from £120,
The original and the best: this sonic cleansing brush could transform problem skin.

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